Paula Jones, Treasurer of the ANS
Ladies of St. Casimir's Summer Solstice Afternoon Tea
ANS Treasurer Paula Jones invited the ladies of St. Casimir's to a special summer afternoon tea party. Paula created a very special menu, which started off with mimosas, assorted teas, and appetizers of cheese and crackers, mini vegetable quiches and lemon blueberry scones with lemon curd.
The main entree featured curried turkey and apple on marble bread, smoked salmon with cream cheese and dill on pumpernickel, and mini BLTs on a biscuit. Tea cookies were served for dessert.
After we enjoyed the lovely food, Paula's husband David, an avid photographer who specializes in landscape photography, gave a presentation of award winning images taken by members on the Merrimack Valley Camera Club of North Andover MA.
Two lucky members of St. Casimir's won prints of David's photography. Janice Klimzcak won a landscape taken in Acadia Park in Nova Scotia Canada. Elaine Holsberger won a black and white print of the interior of a control room of a ship.
Thanks to Paula for putting together this afternoon tea and to David for sharing his wonderful photography with us.
Janice Klimczak, Shirley Khoury and Charlotte Stankewicz of the Fredrich Chopin Choir
Pedro Gama receives his blessing
The installation of Officers of the Parish Committee took place Sunday, December 17, 2023. Co-President Robert Hunt led the proceedings and Father Tenus offered prayers to the appointees; "Bless those who undertake the role of service to our parish." The swearing in of members followed. Congratulations and thank you to all who serve on the parish committee.
Lowell Folk Festival and Peirogis
St. Casimir's works very closely with the Lowell Polish Cultural Committee to perepare foods sold at the Lowell Folk Festival. The Cultural Committe, in the collaboration with St. Casimir's and the Dom Polski club, works to promote the Polish culture outside of Poland. Pauline Golec of the committe said the LPCC has been involved in the local festivals since 1974.
Food preparations required the use of our kitchen. Voluteers, over the course of many hours, made crispy rosettes and pierogies The peirogis had the classic fillings of either potatoes and cheese or sauerkraut.
Cooked pierogies were packaged and sealed
to keep warm during transport to the Polish booth
on Market St. in Lowell. Other foods include
kielbasa and kapusta. For the first time, people
at the festival can buy all of the booth's offerings
together as a single dish for $20.
It is a large effort with many volunteers cooking,
moving food and other needed items to the
festival, selling food at the booth, and then
bringing everything back to be cleaned and stored
for next year. It is very satisfying to know people
line up at the booth for these delicious
Polish treats.
St. Casimir's has been busy preparing our students for a new school year. The ANS society spearheaded a fundraiser for school supplies for children in Lowell, which were delivered to for distribution to those in need. Parishioners were generous with their donations of pencils, pens, notebooks, and other supplies for use in the classroom.
Father Tenus held a special “blessing of the backpacks” for students heading back to school. Several children attended to have special prayers said over the back packs as they prepare for the new school year.
Before the blessing with holy water, Father Tenus commented that the backpacks will contain work to be done, work that's been returned, books to be studied, and tools to complete homework. Notebooks, pencils, pens, protractors, compasses, crayons, rules, scissors, glue sticks and other items used for school work will find their way in and out of these backpacks.
Some days, so much stuff will fill these backpacks that the student may find it difficult to walk. Other days, they will be light and nearly empty. But on each and every day, these backpacks represent work required of the students gathered here. And, as in every aspect of our life, we bring these before God for blessing at this time. “They (the students) stand here ready to receive your blessings and they commit themselves to study and learning in the school year ahead. We ask your blessing on each of them.”
The start of the Lowell Folk Festival begins with the Parade of Nations.
Cousins Sophie, with mom Andrea and Jimmy Kosidlo with dad James
Babka baked especially for the ladies of the ANS
In June we celebrated Father Tenus with our annual Pastor Appreciation day event. Parishioners gathered during coffee hour to toast Father's dedication and work for our church.
We celebrated with a wonderful brunch type menu and gifts for Father Tenus from our ANS, Fredrich Chopin Choir, and members of St. Casimir's.
Convention participants pose for a group photo after Mass
A raffle with many beautiful items raised money for the youth of Holy Cross
The ANS of St. Casimir’s sponsored a Beautification Project for the month of May. The goal of this project was to create container gardens, weed existing landscaping, clean up the monuments in the church yard, and in general, spruce up our church space.
The endeavor began in May, with the parishioner donating funds to purchase flowers, containers, and any other items needed for the project. For several days, volunteers came to pull weeds and cut back plantings that were overgrown. Hard work indeed, but luckily the weather was not yet too hot and humid.
The final day was a “planting party” when containers were planted, and hostas and other plants from home gardens were donated for planting. A lunch followed with the volunteers celebrating their success in creating a lovely space for the church.
Thanks to the following for working and participating on our Beautification Project:
Deb Charette, Phyllis and Bob Hunt, Jacob (our young neighbor), Shirley Kourey, John Koziol, Christine Piec, Diane Quirbach, Beverly Runowicz, JoAnn Menzia. Special thanks to Paula Jones and Linda Kosidlo for providing delicious treats for our break.
Come visit with us!
We will do our best to make you feel welcome.
Click here for directions
Come Worship with Us!
10:00 AM | Sunday
9:00 AM | Weekdays
(Except Monday)
St. Casimir's Parish
Polish National Catholic Church
268 Lakeview Avenue - Lowell, Massachusetts 01850 USA
The "Chasing Annie Powell" Project
Annie Powell (1859-1952) is a recently discovered street photographer who is likely responsible for 3,000 “anonymous” photos of Lowell, MA found in books, postcards and university libraries. Annie Powell took pictures of Lowell and its inhabitants at the beginning of the twentieth century. Included in her collection were various ethnic groups within their neighborhoods. When Annie passed away, her photographs were found in her home, some of which have been made into posters.
The "Chasing Annie Powell" Project celebrates Annie’s work in and around Lowell. From spring 2024–October 2025 the city of Lowell will distribute 100 posters to local businesses, nonprofits and government agencies that now occupy buildings or have addresses on streets that Annie photographed one-hundred years ago.The goal is to show how Lowell neighborhoods appeared in Annie’s time in relation to Lowell today.
St. Casimir's has been chosen to participate in the “Chasing Annie Powell Project”. The poster held by Father Tenus (Poster #3) depicts a tenement with a group of children on Lakeview Avenue. St. Casimir's will display it on the interior surface of our parish hall exterior door enabling passersby to view it until or about November 2025 when the entire collection will be displayed in downtown Lowell.
The annual convention of the Diocesan Ladies Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament Society was held on May 18th at the beautiful Holy Cross Parish in Central Falls, RI. Several members of St. Casimir's ANS society attended; President JoAnn Menzia, Recording Secretary Janice Klimczak, Marshals Deb Charette and Phyllis Hunt, and delegate Linda Kosidlo.
Bishop Paul Sobiechowski began the event by celebrating Holy Mass on this Pentecost vigil. Following mass the group attended several informative lectures. Father Paul Lukaszewicz did a presentation called "the Christian Family" in which he explained the ways in which faith is present in marriage and parenting.
Deacon Justin Daviault presented "Holy Scripture in the Life of the Faithful". This informative and moving presentation detailed some history of the bible and how its teachings are present in our lives today.
After a delicious pasta lunch the participants discussed and voted on ANS business, and decided on the date and location of the next convention. Marylin Folcik then ran a workshop where the group worked on a small project creating prayer rocks.
It was a wonderful event and the hosts were so gracious and welcoming and the lunch was delicious. One of the church members baked a babka bread for each of us to take home, a very special treat.
Co-Chair Rober Hunt Greets Father and Agnes
Prayer rocks made during our workshop
Many homemade breads, muffins, tarts, and summer salads were part of our brunch
Easter Workshop
The women of the ANS sponsored a workshop to celebrate the Polish Easter traditions. Phyllis Hunt gave a lesson on pisanki. The words pisanki/pysanky are sometimes used to describe any type of decorated egg, but they traditionally referred to an egg created by the wax resist method using traditional folk motifs and designs. The designs are "written" in hot wax. When the wax dries the eggs are dyed. On Easter Sunday, these eggs are exchanged and shared among the family at the table. This is a symbol of friendship, similar to the sharing of the Opłatek (Christmas wafer) on Christmas Eve.
Beverly Runowicz demonstrated how to make a "butter lamb." Using a lamb shaped mold, Beverly created this traditional addition to an Easter dinner celebration.
Parish Committee Co-Chairmen: Dr. Robert Quirbach and Robert Hunt; Recording secretary: Janice Klimczak; Treasurer: Shirley Garvey; Financial Secretary: Linda Hedrick;
Directors: JoAnn Menzia. Carol McNiff, Shirley Kourey, Patricia Whiting, Diane Quirbach, Deb Charette, Phyllis Hunt, Thomas McNiff, Stanley Kosidlo, Christopher Kowalski, Charlotte Stankiewicz, Paula Jones, Irene Jaracz, Christine Piec
Financial Reviewers: Stanley Kosidlo Jr., Christopher Kowalski, Dr. Robert Quirbach
Cemetery Committee: Robert Hunt and Dr. Robert Quirbach, Co-Chairmen: Robert Ferus and Thomas McNiff, Co-Superintendents: Paula Jones, Irene Jaracz, Stanley Kosidlo, Janice Klimczak, Phyllis Hunt.
Delegates to Seniorate meetings first year of two year term: Janice Klimczak and Linda Kosidlo.
Public Relations: JoAnn Menzia, Janice Klimczak, Linda Kosidlo, Debbie Starenas, Beverly Runowicz..
Quirbach-Guido Wedding
On August 7, 2024 Father Tenus performed the marriage ceremony of Rachel Quirbach and Mitchel Guido. The ceremony took place at the Mountain Top resort in Chittendon Vermont.
Rachel is the daughter of Dr. Robert and Diane Quirbach and a long time parishioner of St. Casimir’s. Mitch, a music teacher, is from New York. Mitch and Rachel met several years ago at an accordion festival where he was a guest jazz saxophonist. At the time, Rachel was a music therapy college student entering her junior year at Arizona State University.
The preparations for the marriage – the various events at the venue, the red tape to allow Father Tenus to do the ceremony in Vermont – resulted in a lovely celebration. Congratulations to the happy couple.