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Come Worship with Us!
10:00 AM | Sunday
9:00 AM | Weekdays
(Except Monday)
VETERAN'S DAY MASSES. Veteran's Day is on Monday, November 11, 2019 and St. Casimir's is proud to once again honor the family and friends of our parishioners who have and/or are currently serving in the military. This year, our veterans will be honored at two Sunday masses - November 3 and 10.
In addition, we are preparing pre-printed honor cards for each veteran which, along with the veteran's name, will include information about their service. Please contact Karen Breault after Sunday mass or via email ( for information on how you can honor your veterans. Entries must be submitted no later than October 27th to be included in this program.
Download and use the Suubmittal form using the link button below.
St. Casimir's Parish
Polish National Catholic Church
268 Lakeview Avenue - Lowell, Massachusetts 01850 USA